Depression & Anxiety

Depression is a mood disorder marked by persistent sadness, loss of interest, and functional impairment. Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry, fear, or nervousness that can disrupt daily life.

What is Depression & Anxiety

Depression is a mood disorder marked by persistent sadness, loss of interest, and functional impairment. Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry, fear, or nervousness that can disrupt daily life. Both conditions affect mental well-being and can overlap, often requiring professional treatment and support to manage effectively and improve quality of life.

What is Depression & Anxiety

What Causes Depression & Anxiety?

Depression and anxiety can be caused by a mix of factors. Hormone imbalances, such as those involving serotonin or cortisol, can affect mood and stress levels. Poor sleep or sleep disorders disrupt emotional regulation and overall mental health. Additionally, genetic predisposition, stressful life events, and chronic health conditions can contribute to these mental health issues.

Our Treatment Approach for Depression & Anxiety

We are committed to personalizing treatment plans based on what is best for every individual’s UNIQUE circumstances to include symptoms, budget, lifestyle, and goals. Conservative (non-pharmaceutical) care is often effective in resolving the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Evaluation of Depression & Anxiety


We will review your health history, symptoms, and current treatments to help determine the severity of your condition.  We may recommend additional testing and analysis to get a full picture of potential therapies personalized to you.

Personalized Treatment Plans

If your condition qualifies for conservative care options, we will present a treatment plan that includes only those therapies proven to be effective in treating your condition.  This may include red light therapy, hormone balancing, nootropics, testing for common brain-based viruses, addressing inflammation and other therapies to resolve issues that might be limiting mobility and ability to be active. You will be provided with treatment plan options and timelines with transparent out of pocket costs to you.

What Treatments Have Been Proven Good For Diabetes & Prediabetes

Red light and infrared light therapy

These are emerging treatments for various conditions, including depression and anxiety. Here’s how they work:


  • Red Light Therapy: Uses wavelengths between 600-650 nanometers to penetrate the skin, potentially influencing cellular function and reducing inflammation.
  • Infrared Light Therapy: Uses wavelengths between 800-1000 nanometers to penetrate deeper tissues, potentially improving cellular energy production and reducing oxidative stress.

Potential Benefits

  • Mood Regulation: Some studies suggest that light therapy may help modulate mood by influencing the production of neurotransmitters and improving brain function.
  • Reduced Inflammation: By decreasing inflammation, light therapy may support overall mental health.
  • Enhanced Sleep: Improved sleep quality can be a secondary benefit, potentially reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Hormone therapy

It can play a major role in managing anxiety and depression, particularly when hormonal imbalances are a contributing factor. Here’s an overview:

Estrogen Therapy

For Women: Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can help manage mood swings and depression, especially during menopause or perimenopause. Estrogen has mood-stabilizing effects and can influence neurotransmitter activity.

Testosterone Therapy

For Men and Women: Low testosterone levels can be linked to depression and mood disturbances. Testosterone replacement therapy may improve mood and alleviate depressive symptoms especially energy levels and the ability to focus.

Thyroid Hormone Therapy

Thyroid Imbalances: Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) can contribute to depression. Proper thyroid hormone replacement can help stabilize mood and improve depressive symptoms.

Adrenal Hormone Therapy

Cortisol: Imbalances in cortisol, the stress hormone, can affect mood. Adrenal hormone therapy or stress management techniques can sometimes help in managing anxiety.

DHEA Therapy

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): This hormone can affect mood and energy levels. Supplementation may be considered in cases of deficiency.


  • Diagnosis: It’s crucial to have a thorough hormonal assessment and diagnosis by a healthcare provider to determine if hormone therapy is appropriate.
  • Integration: Hormone therapy should be integrated with other treatments for anxiety and depression, such as psychotherapy and lifestyle changes.

Overall, hormone therapy may be beneficial for some individuals with anxiety and depression, particularly when hormonal imbalances are a key factor. It should be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.


Nutrigenomics examines how genetic variations affect individual responses to nutrients, allowing for personalized nutritional interventions that may support mental health.

Nutrigenomics can guide personalized dietary recommendations based on genetic profiles to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • Study: A study published in Nutrients (2019) explored the relationship between genetic variations and nutrient metabolism, highlighting the potential for personalized nutrition to support mental health.
    [Nutrients Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Psychiatric Research (2021) found that dietary interventions based on genetic profiles could improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
    [Journal of Psychiatric Research Study]


Pharmacogenomics studies how genetic differences influence individual responses to medications, enabling personalized treatment plans for depression and anxiety.

It helps tailor antidepressant and anxiolytic medications to individual genetic profiles, improving efficacy and reducing side effects.

  • Study: A review in Biological Psychiatry (2020) discussed how pharmacogenomic testing can personalize antidepressant therapy and improve outcomes in depression.
    [Biological Psychiatry Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2021) highlighted the role of pharmacogenomic testing in optimizing medication choices for patients with depression and anxiety.
    [Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Study]

Sleep Studies

Sleep Studies focus on improving sleep quality, which is crucial for mental health and can significantly impact depression and anxiety levels.

Improving sleep quality can enhance mood, reduce anxiety, and support overall mental health.

  • Study: A study in Sleep Medicine Reviews (2020) found that sleep disturbances are commonly associated with depression and anxiety, and improving sleep can lead to significant symptom relief.
    [Sleep Medicine Reviews Study]
  • Study: Research published in Journal of Affective Disorders (2019) demonstrated that treating sleep disorders can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
    [Journal of Affective Disorders Study]

Inflammation Programs

Inflammation Programs focus on reducing systemic inflammation through diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes, which can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Reducing chronic inflammation through targeted interventions can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • Study: A review in Neuropsychopharmacology (2017) discussed the link between inflammation and mental health disorders, highlighting how anti-inflammatory treatments can benefit patients with depression.
    [Neuropsychopharmacology Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2019) found that anti-inflammatory treatments can have beneficial effects on mood disorders, including depression and anxiety.
    [Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Study]

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy (or Low-Level Laser Therapy) uses specific wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation and support cellular function, which may benefit mental health.

Red light therapy may improve cellular function and reduce inflammation, potentially benefiting mood regulation and mental health.

  1. Mechanism:
    • Red Light Therapy: Uses wavelengths between 600-650 nanometers to penetrate the skin, potentially influencing cellular function and reducing inflammation.
    • Infrared Light Therapy: Uses wavelengths between 800-1000 nanometers to penetrate deeper tissues, potentially improving cellular energy production and reducing oxidative stress.
  1. Potential Benefits:
    • Mood Regulation: Some studies suggest that light therapy may help modulate mood by influencing the production of neurotransmitters and improving brain function.
    • Reduced Inflammation: By decreasing inflammation, light therapy may support overall mental health.
    • Enhanced Sleep: Improved sleep quality can be a secondary benefit, potentially reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Study: A study in Neuropsychology (2020) found that red light therapy improved mood and cognitive function in patients with depressive symptoms.
    [Neuropsychology Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2021) explored the potential of light therapies in treating mood disorders, including depression and anxiety.
    [Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Study]

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy involves using hormones identical to those naturally produced by the body to address hormonal imbalances that can affect mood.

Balancing hormones with bioidentical therapy can improve mood stability and potentially alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  1. Estrogen Therapy:

For Women: Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can help manage mood swings and depression, especially during menopause or perimenopause. Estrogen has mood-stabilizing effects and can influence neurotransmitter activity.

  1. Testosterone Therapy:

For Men and Women: Low testosterone levels can be linked to depression and mood disturbances. Testosterone replacement therapy may improve mood and alleviate depressive symptoms, especially energy levels and the ability to focus.

  1. Thyroid Hormone Therapy:

Thyroid Imbalances: Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) can contribute to depression. Proper thyroid hormone replacement can help stabilize mood and improve depressive symptoms.

  1. Adrenal Hormone Therapy:

Cortisol: Imbalances in cortisol, the stress hormone, can affect mood. Adrenal hormone therapy or stress management techniques can sometimes help in managing anxiety.

  1. DHEA Therapy:

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): This hormone can affect mood and energy levels. Supplementation may be considered in cases of deficiency.

  1. Considerations:
    • Diagnosis: It’s crucial to have a thorough hormonal assessment and diagnosis by a healthcare provider to determine if hormone therapy is appropriate.
    • Integration: Hormone therapy should be integrated with other treatments for anxiety and depression, such as psychotherapy and lifestyle changes.

Overall, hormone therapy may be beneficial for some individuals with anxiety and depression, particularly when hormonal imbalances are a key factor. It should be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Environmental Toxins Tests

Environmental Toxins Tests assess exposure to environmental toxins, which can impact mental health.

Reducing exposure to environmental toxins may alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by minimizing their impact on overall health.

  • Study: A study in *Environmental Health Perspectives* (2020) discussed the link between environmental toxins and mental health, including depression and anxiety.
    [Environmental Health Perspectives Study]

Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

Shockwave Therapy (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) primarily targets musculoskeletal conditions but has shown potential in reducing inflammation and supporting mental health.

While primarily used for physical conditions, ESWT may help reduce inflammation and improve overall well-being, potentially supporting mental health.

  • Study: Research in *Journal of Affective Disorders* (2021) found that ESWT could have positive effects on mood by reducing systemic inflammation.
    [Journal of Affective Disorders Study]

For managing depression and anxiety, these integrative and regenerative therapies offer diverse benefits:

  • Nutrigenomics: Provides personalized dietary recommendations to support mental health.
  • Pharmacogenomics: Customizes medication based on genetic responses to improve efficacy and reduce side effects.
  • Sleep Studies: Enhances sleep quality to support mood and reduce anxiety.
  • Inflammation Programs: Targets chronic inflammation to improve mood and alleviate symptoms.
  • Red Light Therapy: Uses light to enhance cellular function and reduce inflammation.
  • Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Balances hormones to stabilize mood and reduce symptoms.
  • Environmental Toxins Tests: Identifies and reduces exposure to toxins impacting mental health.
  • Shockwave Therapy (ESWT):May support mental health through its effects on inflammation and overall well-being.

These approaches can be integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan to address various aspects of depression and anxiety, enhancing overall mental health and well-being.


Persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or weight, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide.

Excessive worry, restlessness, muscle tension, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and physical symptoms like heart palpitations and sweating.

Causes include genetic predisposition, brain chemistry imbalances, traumatic experiences, chronic stress, and medical conditions.

Therapy (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy), lifestyle changes (exercise, healthy diet), stress management techniques, and support groups can be effective.

If symptoms are severe, persistent, or interfere with daily life, or if you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide. We have trusted partners that we work with and can refer you to someone we will coordinate your care with to assure you get the best physical and mental healthcare possible.

Yes, many treatments address both conditions, especially through therapy and lifestyle changes.

Duration varies; some people see improvement in weeks, while others may need months of therapy or treatment.

Medications can help balance brain chemicals but are often used in conjunction with therapy and lifestyle changes.

Nutrigenomics studies how genetic variations affect individual responses to nutrients and how this can be used to tailor dietary recommendations for better mental health.

Nutrigenomics enables personalized dietary interventions based on genetic profiles, potentially improving mood and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • Study: A review in Nutrients (2019) suggests that personalized nutrition informed by genetic data can support mental health and reduce symptoms of mood disorders.
    [Nutrients Study]
  • Study: Journal of Psychiatric Research (2021) indicates that tailoring diets based on genetic information can enhance mood and reduce anxiety symptoms.
    [Journal of Psychiatric Research Study]

Pharmacogenomics examines how genetic differences impact individual responses to medications, allowing for more effective and personalized treatment plans.

Pharmacogenomics helps in selecting the most effective medications with fewer side effects by considering individual genetic profiles.

  • Study: Biological Psychiatry (2020) highlights the potential of pharmacogenomic testing to optimize antidepressant therapy and improve treatment outcomes.
    [Biological Psychiatry Study]
  • Study: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2021) discusses how pharmacogenomic testing can personalize medication regimens for better management of depression and anxiety.
    [Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Study]

Sleep Studies focus on diagnosing and improving sleep disorders, which are closely linked to mood regulation and mental health.

Quality sleep supports mood stability and can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by enhancing overall mental health.

  • Study: Sleep Medicine Reviews (2020) found that sleep disturbances are strongly associated with mood disorders, and improving sleep can significantly benefit mental health.
    [Sleep Medicine Reviews Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Affective Disorders (2019) showed that treating sleep disorders can lead to improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms.
    [Journal of Affective Disorders Study]

Inflammation Programs focus on reducing chronic inflammation through dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle modifications, which can impact mental health.

Reducing systemic inflammation can improve mood and decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety by addressing underlying inflammatory processes.

  • Study: Neuropsychopharmacology (2017) reviewed how anti-inflammatory treatments can benefit mental health by addressing inflammation-related depression.
    [Neuropsychopharmacology Study]
  • Study: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2019) explored how anti-inflammatory interventions could improve symptoms in individuals with mood disorders.
    [Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Study]

Red Light Therapy (Low-Level Laser Therapy, LLLT) uses specific wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation and enhance cellular function, which may benefit mental health.

A: Red light therapy may improve cellular health and reduce inflammation, potentially leading to improvements in mood and mental health.

  • Study: Neuropsychology (2020) found that red light therapy could positively impact mood and cognitive function in those with depressive symptoms.
    [Neuropsychology Study]
  • Study: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2021) reviewed the potential of light therapies, including red light, in treating mood disorders like depression and anxiety.
    [Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Study]

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy uses hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the body to correct hormonal imbalances that may affect mood.

A: Balancing hormones with bioidentical therapy can stabilize mood and potentially alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Environmental Toxin Tests assess exposure to toxins that could negatively impact mental health, allowing for interventions to reduce exposure.

A: Identifying and reducing exposure to environmental toxins can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by minimizing their impact on overall health.

Shockwave Therapy (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) primarily targets musculoskeletal issues but may have effects on inflammation and overall well-being.

While not traditionally used for mental health, ESWT may help reduce inflammation and improve general well-being, which could have positive effects on mood.

  • Study: Journal of Affective Disorders (2021) noted potential benefits of ESWT in reducing inflammation, which could indirectly support mood improvement.
    [Journal of Affective Disorders Study]
  • Nutrigenomics: Provides personalized dietary guidance to improve mental health based on genetic profiles.
  • Pharmacogenomics: Customizes medication regimens for better efficacy and fewer side effects.
  • Sleep Studies: Enhances sleep quality to support mood regulation and reduce anxiety.
  • Inflammation Programs: Targets chronic inflammation to improve mood and reduce symptoms.
  • Red Light Therapy: Uses light to improve cellular function and reduce inflammation.
  • Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Balances hormones to stabilize mood and alleviate symptoms.
  • Environmental Toxin Tests: Identifies and reduces exposure to toxins impacting mental health.
  • Shockwave Therapy (ESWT): May improve mood through its effects on inflammation and overall well-being.


These therapies can be integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan to address various aspects of depression and anxiety, enhancing overall mental health and well-being.

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