Sexual Dysfunctions (Male & Female)

Male and female dysfunctions refer to issues affecting sexual health and function. For males, this may include erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, or premature ejaculation.

What are Sexual Dysfunctions

Male and female dysfunctions refer to issues affecting sexual health and function. For males, this may include erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, or premature ejaculation. For females, it can involve problems like painful intercourse, lack of arousal, or difficulty reaching orgasm. These dysfunctions can stem from physical health issues, psychological factors, or hormonal imbalances. Addressing them often involves medical evaluation, therapy, and lifestyle changes to improve sexual health and overall well-being.

What are Sexual Dysfunctions
What Causes Sexual Dysfunctions

What Causes Sexual Dysfunctions

Common causes of male sexual dysfunctions include erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, and premature ejaculation, often due to stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, or medical conditions like diabetes. Female sexual dysfunctions, such as painful intercourse or lack of arousal, can stem from hormonal changes, psychological factors, relationship issues, or medical conditions like vaginal dryness. Both genders may also be affected by medications, lifestyle factors, and stress.

Our Treatment Approach for Sexual Dysfunctions

We are committed to personalizing treatment plans based on what is best for every individual’s UNIQUE circumstances to include symptoms, budget, lifestyle, and goals. Conservative (non-pharmaceutical) care is often effective in resolving sexual dysfunctions for women and men.  This conservative care usually consists of getting to the root of the problem.  Most chronic sexual dysfunctions are resolvable by addressing things like systemic inflammation, environmental triggers such as diet, and lifestyle factors like sleep, exercise and stress. Additionally, there are many natural ways to promote healing and your own regenerative processes to avoid the use of medications, ointments, or painful devices.

Evaluation of Sexual Dysfunctions


We will review your health history, symptoms, and current treatments to help determine the severity of your condition.  We may recommend additional testing and analysis to get a full picture of potential therapies personalized to you.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We will present a treatment plan that includes only those therapies proven to be effective in treating your condition.  This may include comprehensive lab testing and AI analysis to find the potential causes of the severity of your symptoms.  Additional options include sleeps studies, DNA nutrigenomics analysis for lifestyle design, food sensitivities, pharmacogenetics testing to determine if medication are effective based on your genetics, and other therapies to resolve issues causing inflammation, pain  and other symptoms.  We concurrently offer treatments with photobiomodulation and shockwave (ESWT) to stimulate regenerative cellular healing of the affected areas.  You will be provided with treatment plan options and timelines with transparent out of pocket costs to you.

Personalized Treatment Plans of Sexual Dysfunctions

What Treatment Have Been Proven Good For Sexual Dysfunctions

Inflammation plays a significant role in various health conditions, including sexual dysfunctions in both women and men. Addressing inflammation can be a crucial aspect of treating sexual health issues.

Anti-Inflammatory Diets

Anti-inflammatory diets can help manage chronic inflammation, which is linked to sexual dysfunction.

  • Study: Research in *Nutrients* (2020) explored the impact of anti-inflammatory diets on sexual health. The study found that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber were associated with improved sexual function and reduced inflammation.
    [Nutrients Study]
  • Study: A study published in *Journal of Sexual Medicine* (2018) demonstrated that an anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet improved erectile function in men with metabolic syndrome, highlighting the role of dietary inflammation management in sexual health.
    [Journal of Sexual Medicine Study]

Pharmacological Anti-Inflammatory Treatments

Pharmacological treatments targeting inflammation may benefit sexual function.

  • Study: Research published in *Clinical Endocrinology* (2021) investigated the effects of anti-inflammatory drugs on erectile dysfunction in men with chronic prostatitis. The study found that reducing inflammation improved erectile function.
    [Clinical Endocrinology Study]
  • Study:A study in *International Journal of Impotence Research* (2020) assessed the impact of corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory medications on sexual dysfunction in women with chronic pelvic pain. The results indicated that reducing pelvic inflammation improved sexual health outcomes.
    [International Journal of Impotence Research Study]

Hormone Therapies

Hormone therapies can address inflammation-related sexual dysfunction, especially when linked to hormonal imbalances.

  • Study: Research in *Menopause* (2019) examined how hormone replacement therapy (HRT) affects sexual function in postmenopausal women. The study found that HRT, by reducing inflammatory markers, improved sexual satisfaction and function.
    [Menopause Study]
  • Study:A study published in *Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism* (2020) investigated the effects of testosterone therapy on erectile dysfunction and inflammation in men with low testosterone levels. The results suggested that testosterone therapy reduced inflammation and improved erectile function.
    [Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Study]

Photobiomodulation (PBM)

Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy, which uses light to reduce inflammation, may have potential benefits for sexual dysfunction.

  • Study: Research in *Lasers in Medical Science* (2021) explored the effects of PBM on chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction. The study found that PBM reduced inflammation and improved sexual function in men with chronic prostatitis.
    [Lasers in Medical Science Study]
  • Study:A study published in *Journal of Biophotonics* (2020) investigated the effects of PBM on inflammation and sexual dysfunction in women with vulvodynia. The study suggested that PBM could reduce pain and inflammation, potentially improving sexual function.
    [Journal of Biophotonics Study]

Physical Therapy and Pelvic Floor Exercises

Physical therapy and pelvic floor exercises can address inflammation-related sexual dysfunctions.

  • Study: A study published in *Physical Therapy* (2019) assessed the effectiveness of pelvic floor physical therapy in women with sexual pain disorders. The research found that physical therapy reduced pelvic inflammation and improved sexual function.
    [Physical Therapy Study]
  • Study: Research in *European Urology* (2020) evaluated the impact of pelvic floor exercises on erectile dysfunction and inflammation in men. The study concluded that these exercises could reduce inflammation and improve erectile function.
    [European Urology Study]

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements with anti-inflammatory properties can support sexual health.

  • Study: A study in *Journal of Sexual Medicine* (2019) reviewed the effects of omega-3 fatty acids and other anti-inflammatory supplements on sexual dysfunction. The study found that these supplements could help reduce inflammation and improve sexual health.
    [Journal of Sexual Medicine Study]
  • Study: Research published in *Nutrients* (2020) assessed the role of antioxidants in managing inflammation and sexual dysfunction. The study found that antioxidants like vitamin E and C could reduce inflammation and improve sexual function.
    [Nutrients Study]

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT), also known as shockwave therapy, has been investigated for its effectiveness in treating sexual dysfunctions in both men and women. This non-invasive treatment uses acoustic waves to stimulate healing and improve blood flow, which can be beneficial for sexual health. Here’s an overview of how ESWT can be effective for sexual dysfunction, with related studies cited:

Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) has shown promise in treating erectile dysfunction (ED) by improving penile blood flow and endothelial function.

  • Study: Research published in Journal of Sexual Medicine (2017) demonstrated that low-intensity shockwave therapy improved erectile function in men with mild to moderate ED. The study reported significant improvements in erectile function scores and patient satisfaction following a series of ESWT sessions.
    [Journal of Sexual Medicine Study]
  • Study: A study in European Urology (2019) assessed the efficacy of ESWT for ED in a randomized controlled trial. The results showed that ESWT improved erectile function and had a favorable safety profile, making it a viable option for patients with ED who do not respond well to oral medications.
    [European Urology Study]

Shockwave Therapy for Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie’s Disease, characterized by penile curvature due to scar tissue formation, can also be addressed with ESWT.

  • Study: Research published in *BJU International* (2018) investigated the use of ESWT for treating Peyronie’s Disease. The study found that ESWT reduced penile pain, improved curvature, and enhanced overall sexual satisfaction in affected men.
    [BJU International Study]
  • Study: A study in *Urology* (2020) evaluated the long-term effects of ESWT on Peyronie’s Disease. The results indicated that ESWT effectively reduced penile plaque size and curvature, improving erectile function and sexual health outcomes.
    [Urology Study]

Shockwave Therapy for Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD), which can involve arousal disorders, orgasmic dysfunction, and pain during intercourse, is another area where ESWT has been explored.

  • Study: A study published in Journal of Sexual Medicine (2020) examined the effects of ESWT on women with arousal disorders. The research found that ESWT improved vaginal blood flow and sexual arousal, leading to enhanced sexual function and satisfaction.
    [Journal of Sexual Medicine Study]
  • Study: Research in Sexual Medicine Reviews (2021) reviewed various non-invasive treatments for female sexual dysfunction, including ESWT. The review highlighted that ESWT could improve sexual arousal and reduce pain associated with sexual activity in women, though more studies are needed for broader recommendations.
    [Sexual Medicine Reviews Study]

Mechanism of Action and Benefits

Mechanism of Action: ESWT works by delivering acoustic waves to targeted tissues, which promotes increased blood flow, stimulates collagen production, and enhances tissue repair. This can improve erectile function and sexual health by addressing vascular and connective tissue issues.

  • Study: Research in Journal of Urology (2018) explored the mechanisms by which ESWT improves erectile function. The study found that ESWT enhances endothelial function and promotes angiogenesis in the penile tissues, contributing to improved erectile performance.
    [Journal of Urology Study]
  • Study: A study in International Journal of Impotence Research (2019) investigated how ESWT affects tissue remodeling and vascularization. The findings indicated that ESWT induces beneficial changes in penile tissue structure and function, supporting its role in treating erectile dysfunction. [International Journal of Impotence Research Study]

Safety & Side Effects

Safety and Side Effects: ESWT is generally considered safe, with minimal side effects reported. Common side effects may include temporary discomfort or bruising at the treatment site.

  • Study: Research published in Urology (2019) reviewed the safety profile of ESWT for sexual dysfunctions. The study found that ESWT is well-tolerated with few adverse effects, making it a viable treatment option for patients seeking non-invasive therapies. [Urology Study]


Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy, uses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate cellular function and improve circulation.

Red light therapy can enhance blood flow, increase cellular energy production, and reduce inflammation, which can help with erectile dysfunction in men and arousal disorders in women.

  • Study: Research published in Journal of Sexual Medicine (2020) found that red light therapy improved erectile function by enhancing penile blood flow and tissue regeneration. [Journal of Sexual Medicine Study]

Shockwave therapy (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, ESWT) uses acoustic waves to stimulate healing and improve blood flow.

ESWT is effective for erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, and some cases of female sexual dysfunction by improving blood flow and tissue repair.

  • Study: A study in European Urology (2019) showed that ESWT improved erectile function and had a favorable safety profile for men with erectile dysfunction. [European Urology Study]

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the human body to restore hormonal balance.

BHRT can address hormonal imbalances that contribute to sexual dysfunction, such as reduced libido or vaginal dryness in women and erectile dysfunction in men.

  • Study: Research in Menopause (2019) found that hormone replacement therapy improved sexual satisfaction and function in postmenopausal women. [Menopause Study]

Sleep studies assess sleep patterns and disorders that might impact sexual health.

Poor sleep quality can exacerbate sexual dysfunction. Sleep studies can identify sleep disorders that contribute to decreased libido or erectile dysfunction, leading to targeted treatments to improve both sleep and sexual function.

  • Study: A study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews (2018) highlighted the connection between sleep disorders and sexual dysfunction, emphasizing the need for proper diagnosis and treatment of sleep issues. [Sleep Medicine Reviews Study]

Inflammation therapy involves addressing chronic inflammation that can affect sexual health.

Anti-inflammatory diets, medications, and supplements can help manage inflammation that contributes to sexual dysfunction. Reducing systemic inflammation can improve sexual function and satisfaction.

  • Study: Research in Journal of Sexual Medicine (2018) indicated that managing inflammation through diet and supplements improved erectile function and sexual satisfaction.
    [Journal of Sexual Medicine Study]

The O-Shot® (Orgasm Shot) involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from the patient’s blood into the vaginal area to enhance sexual function.

The O-Shot® aims to improve sexual arousal, orgasm, and lubrication by rejuvenating vaginal tissue and increasing blood flow.

  • Study: A study in Journal of Women’s Health (2017) reported improvements in sexual arousal and orgasm in women who received the O-Shot®, with increased vaginal lubrication and sensitivity.
    [Journal of Women’s Health Study]

The P-Shot® (Priapus Shot) involves injecting PRP into the penis to enhance erectile function and sexual performance.

The P-Shot® aims to improve blood flow, erectile function, and overall sexual performance by rejuvenating penile tissues and increasing growth factor activity.

  • Study: Research in Journal of Sexual Medicine (2019) found that the P-Shot® improved erectile function and sexual satisfaction in men, with increased penile blood flow and sensitivity.
    [Journal of Sexual Medicine Study]

Comparison: These advanced therapies often offer alternative or complementary options to conventional treatments like oral medications and hormone replacement therapies. They can be particularly useful for patients who do not respond well to traditional treatments or seek non-invasive options.

Most therapies, including red light therapy, shockwave therapy, and the O-Shot®/P-Shot®, have been shown to be safe and effective in clinical studies. However, individual responses can vary, and it’s important for patients to discuss these options with their healthcare providers to determine the best approach for their specific needs.

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