Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow

Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) are conditions caused by overuse of the elbow.

What is Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow

Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) are conditions caused by overuse of the elbow. Golfer’s elbow affects the inner elbow, causing pain and tenderness, while tennis elbow affects the outer elbow. Both result from repetitive strain on the forearm muscles and tendons, leading to pain and inflammation.

What is Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow
What Causes Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow

What Causes Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow

Common causes of golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) include repetitive strain and overuse of the elbow from activities involving gripping or swinging. Golfer’s elbow affects the inner elbow due to repetitive wrist flexion, while tennis elbow impacts the outer elbow from repetitive wrist extension. Poor technique, improper equipment, and sudden increases in activity can also contribute.

Our Treatment Approach for Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow

We are committed to personalizing treatment plans based on what is best for every individual’s UNIQUE circumstances to include symptoms, budget, lifestyle, and goals. Conservative (non-surgical) care is effective in resolving pain and injuries most of the time.

Evaluation of Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow


We will evaluate your health history, symptoms, and conduct functional movement tests to help determine the severity of your condition.  We may use our patented 3D mobility health assessment tool to objectively measure and baseline your range of motion and stability of joints.

Personalized Treatment Plans

If your condition qualifies for conservative care options, we will present a treatment plan that includes only those modalities proven to be effective in treating your condition.  This may include shockwave, PRP, light therapy, and fascial manipulation.  You will be provided with at least treatment plan options and timelines with transparent out of pocket costs to you.

Conservative Care Treatments

More than 62% of chronic and over 78% of acute back pain is resolved with conservative care delivered over a period of time mutually agreed to fit your schedule. Conservative care treatments work best when spread out over a 3 to 6-week period to allow adequate healing between treatment modalities

Pain & MSK Medical Doctor Expert Opinion

If your symptoms and condition is not eligible for conservative care, or conservative care did not produce the desired outcomes, we start with an expert/accurate diagnosis from our medical doctor pain specialists. Our medical director (6-time patented medical device inventor) will personally conduct a 90-minute comprehensive evaluation to include reviewing available imaging resulting in an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan options.

Avoid Surgery of Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow

Avoid Surgery

Our goal is to resolve pain, improve strength, and improve range of motion without surgery. We are consistently successful in achieving this in over 90% of cases. In those rare cases in which surgery is necessary we will guide you by finding the right surgeon we trust for your particular injury and circumstances.  We are your independent experts and not financially motivated to conduct surgeries.

What Treatment Have Been Proven Good For Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow

Golfers’ elbow (medial epicondylitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) are common elbow conditions characterized by pain and inflammation in the tendons. Integrative and regenerative medicine therapies offer effective treatments for these conditions. Here’s a summary of proven therapies with related studies:

Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) uses acoustic waves to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

  • Study: A randomized controlled trial published in Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2018) evaluated ESWT for lateral epicondylitis. The study found significant reductions in pain and improvements in function after ESWT treatment.
    [Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Study]
  • Study: Research in Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine (2020) demonstrated the effectiveness of ESWT for both golfers’ and tennis elbow. The study showed that ESWT significantly reduced pain and improved functional outcomes compared to placebo.
    [Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine Study]

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy, or low-level laser therapy (LLLT), uses specific wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

  • Study: Research published in Lasers in Medical Science (2020) found that red light therapy reduced pain and improved function in patients with tendinopathy, including tennis elbow. The study highlighted its effectiveness in reducing inflammation and accelerating recovery.
    [Lasers in Medical Science Study]
  • Study: A study in Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology (2018) investigated the impact of red light therapy on musculoskeletal disorders. The findings supported its use in reducing inflammation and pain associated with elbow tendinopathies.
    [Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology Study]

Inflammation Programs

Inflammation Programs include dietary modifications, supplements, and lifestyle changes designed to reduce systemic inflammation.

  • Study: A study in Nutrition Reviews (2019) reviewed the impact of anti-inflammatory diets and supplements on musculoskeletal pain. The review found that omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants can help reduce inflammation and improve outcomes in conditions like elbow tendinopathies.
    [Nutrition Reviews Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2018) highlighted the role of an anti-inflammatory diet in managing chronic tendon injuries. The study emphasized that dietary changes and supplements could complement traditional therapies for reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery.
    [Journal of Orthopaedic Research Study]

Hands-On Medical Massage

Hands-On Medical Massage involves techniques that improve blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and promote healing.

  • Study: A study published in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2019) investigated the effects of deep tissue massage on tennis elbow. The study found significant reductions in pain and improvements in function following regular massage therapy sessions.
    [Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Study]
  • Study: Research in International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy (2020) assessed the benefits of soft tissue mobilization for golfers’ elbow. The study demonstrated that massage therapy effectively reduced pain and improved range of motion and function.
    [International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy Study]

Sleep Programs

Sleep Programs focus on improving sleep quality, which can affect inflammation and healing.

  • Study: A study in Sleep Medicine Reviews (2020) explored the relationship between sleep disturbances and chronic pain conditions, including tendinitis. The research highlighted that improving sleep quality through behavioral and lifestyle interventions can help manage pain and inflammation.
    [Sleep Medicine Reviews Study]
  • Study: Research published in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (2018) found that sleep quality improvements were associated with reduced pain and better functional outcomes in patients with chronic pain conditions, including tendinopathy.
    [Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Study]

Integrative and regenerative therapies such as shockwave therapy, red light therapy, inflammation programs, hands-on medical massage, and improved sleep quality have been shown to be effective for treating golfers’ and tennis elbow. These approaches help reduce pain, inflammation, and promote healing, offering patients a comprehensive strategy for managing elbow tendinopathies.


Red light therapy uses low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to deliver specific wavelengths of light to injured tissues.

Red light therapy promotes healing by increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and stimulating collagen production. This can help in reducing pain and accelerating recovery in elbow tendinopathies.

  • Study: Research in Lasers in Medical Science (2020) showed that red light therapy reduced pain and improved function in patients with tendinopathies, including tennis elbow.
    [Lasers in Medical Science Study]

Shockwave therapy (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, ESWT) involves using acoustic waves to stimulate healing in the affected area.

ESWT reduces pain and promotes tissue repair by enhancing blood flow and stimulating cellular regeneration in the tendons.

Bioidentical hormone therapy uses hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the body to address hormonal imbalances.

While not a primary treatment for tendinopathies, bioidentical hormone therapy may help if hormonal imbalances are contributing to inflammation and pain. Addressing underlying hormonal issues could support overall healing.

  • Study: There is limited direct evidence linking bioidentical hormone therapy with elbow tendinopathies, but research on hormones and chronic pain suggests that hormonal balance can affect inflammation and healing.
    [Hormones and Pain Study]

Sleep studies assess sleep disorders that might affect overall health, including inflammation and pain management.

Poor sleep can exacerbate pain and delay healing. Identifying and treating sleep disorders can improve pain management and recovery outcomes for tendinopathies.

  • Study: A study in Sleep Medicine Reviews (2020) highlighted that improving sleep quality can significantly impact chronic pain conditions by reducing inflammation and enhancing pain tolerance.
    [Sleep Medicine Reviews Study]

Inflammation therapy includes strategies to reduce chronic inflammation through dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments.

Reducing systemic inflammation through diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes can help manage pain and promote healing in tendons affected by tendinopathy.

  • Study: Research in Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2018) demonstrated that anti-inflammatory diets and supplements could complement traditional treatments by reducing inflammation and improving recovery in tendon injuries.
    [Journal of Orthopaedic Research Study]
  • Red Light Therapy: Enhances healing and reduces pain through increased blood flow and collagen stimulation.
  • Shockwave Therapy (ESWT): Stimulates tissue repair and reduces pain by promoting cellular regeneration and improving circulation.
  • Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: May support overall healing by addressing hormonal imbalances that contribute to inflammation and pain.
  • Sleep Studies: Help identify sleep issues that can exacerbate pain and inflammation, improving overall recovery when managed.
  • Inflammation Therapy: Reduces systemic inflammation through dietary and lifestyle changes, supporting pain management and tendon healing.

Each therapy plays a unique role in managing and treating elbow tendinopathies, offering comprehensive strategies for addressing these common conditions.

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