Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where pressure on the median nerve in the wrist causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where pressure on the median nerve in the wrist causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers. It often results from repetitive movements or wrist strain. Symptoms typically worsen with activity and can interfere with hand function.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly caused by repetitive wrist movements, prolonged pressure on the wrist, or underlying health conditions like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. Other risk factors include pregnancy, obesity, and occupations involving repetitive hand motions.

Closely related issues that can be misdiagnosed include:

  • Tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendons in the hand or forearm, causing pain and discomfort.
  • De Quervain’s tenosynovitis: Inflammation of the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist, leading to pain and swelling.
  • Ulnar nerve entrapment: Compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow or wrist, causing similar symptoms to carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Our Treatment Approach for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

We are committed to personalizing treatment plans based on what is best for every individual’s UNIQUE circumstances to include symptoms, budget, lifestyle, and goals. Conservative (non-surgical) care is effective in resolving pain and injuries most of the time.


We will evaluate your health history, symptoms, and conduct functional movement tests to help determine the severity of your condition.  We may use our patented 3D mobility health assessment tool to objectively measure and baseline your range of motion and stability of joints.

Personalized Treatment Plans

If your condition qualifies for conservative care options, we will present a treatment plan that includes only those modalities proven to be effective in treating your condition.  This may include shockwave, PRP, light therapy, and fascial manipulation.  You will be provided with at least treatment plan options and timelines with transparent out of pocket costs to you.

Conservative Care Treatments of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Conservative Care Treatments

More than 62% of chronic and over 78% of acute back pain is resolved with conservative care delivered over a period of time mutually agreed to fit your schedule. Conservative care treatments work best when spread out over a 3 to 6-week period to allow adequate healing between treatment modalities

Pain & MSK Medical Doctor Expert Opinion

If your symptoms and condition is not eligible for conservative care, or conservative care did not produce the desired outcomes, we start with an expert/accurate diagnosis from our medical doctor pain specialists. Our medical director (6-time patented medical device inventor) will personally conduct a 90-minute comprehensive evaluation to include reviewing available imaging resulting in an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan options.

Pain & MSK Medical Doctor Expert Opinion of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Avoid Surgery of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Avoid Surgery

Our goal is to resolve pain, improve strength, and improve range of motion without surgery. We are consistently successful in achieving this in over 90% of cases. In those rare cases in which surgery is necessary we will guide you by finding the right surgeon we trust for your particular injury and circumstances.  We are your independent experts and not financially motivated to conduct surgeries.

What Treatment Have Been Proven Good For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition resulting from compression of the median nerve in the wrist, leading to pain, numbness, and weakness. Integrative and regenerative medicine therapies can offer effective treatment options. Here’s a summary of proven therapies and related studies for carpal tunnel syndrome:

Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) utilizes acoustic waves to stimulate healing and reduce pain.

Q: How does shockwave therapy help with carpal tunnel syndrome?

A: ESWT can help by reducing pain and promoting healing through improved blood flow and cellular repair in the affected area.

  • Study: A study published in Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2018) evaluated ESWT for CTS. The research showed significant improvements in symptoms, including reduced pain and enhanced function, compared to traditional treatments. [Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Study]
  • Study: Research in Clinical Journal of Pain (2019) reported that ESWT was effective in reducing pain and improving function in patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome.
    [Clinical Journal of Pain Study]

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy (or Low-Level Laser Therapy, LLLT) uses specific wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.

Q: What benefits does red light therapy offer for carpal tunnel syndrome?

A: Red light therapy can reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and enhance healing in the carpal tunnel area.

  • Study: A study in Lasers in Medical Science (2020) found that red light therapy improved pain and functional outcomes in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome by reducing inflammation and promoting nerve healing.
    [Lasers in Medical Science Study]
  • Study: Research published in Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology (2018) showed that LLLT effectively reduced pain and inflammation in carpal tunnel syndrome, leading to improved symptom management.
    [Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology Study]

Inflammation Programs

Inflammation Programs include dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments aimed at reducing systemic inflammation.

Q: How do inflammation programs help with carpal tunnel syndrome?

A: Reducing overall inflammation through diet and supplements can decrease symptoms and support recovery by addressing systemic inflammatory factors that contribute to CTS.

  • Study: A review published in Nutrition Reviews (2019) explored how anti-inflammatory diets and supplements can support musculoskeletal health, including conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. The review highlighted the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
    [Nutrition Reviews Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2018) demonstrated that an anti-inflammatory diet and targeted supplements could help manage chronic conditions involving tendon inflammation and nerve pain, relevant for CTS.
    [Journal of Orthopaedic Research Study]

Hands-On Medical Massage

Hands-On Medical Massage involves techniques to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and support healing.

Q: How does hands-on medical massage aid in treating carpal tunnel syndrome?

A: Massage therapy can alleviate symptoms by reducing muscle tension around the wrist and improving blood flow, which helps reduce pressure on the median nerve.

  • Study: A study published in International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (2017) found that therapeutic massage significantly reduced symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, including pain and numbness.
    [International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Clinical Rheumatology (2018) evaluated the effects of massage therapy on CTS, reporting improvements in pain and function among participants receiving regular massage treatments.
    [Journal of Clinical Rheumatology Study]

Sleep Programs

Sleep Programs focus on improving sleep quality, which can impact overall health and inflammation.

Q: Why are sleep programs important for carpal tunnel syndrome?

A: Poor sleep can exacerbate symptoms and slow recovery. Improving sleep quality through behavioral and lifestyle interventions can help manage pain and inflammation associated with CTS.

  • Study: A study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews (2020) discussed the link between sleep disorders and chronic pain conditions. It emphasized that improving sleep quality can help reduce pain and support healing in conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.
    [Sleep Medicine Reviews Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (2018) found that enhancing sleep quality was associated with reduced pain and improved functional outcomes in patients with chronic pain conditions, including CTS.
    [Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Study]

For treating carpal tunnel syndrome, what are the benefits of integrative and regenerative therapies?:

  • Shockwave Therapy (ESWT): Reduces pain and promotes healing by stimulating tissue repair and improving circulation.
  • Red Light Therapy: Enhances healing and reduces inflammation through specific wavelengths of light.
  • Inflammation Programs: Addresses systemic inflammation through diet and supplements to support overall recovery.
  • Hands-On Medical Massage: Relieves muscle tension and improves blood flow to reduce pressure on the median nerve.
  • Sleep Programs: Improves sleep quality to manage pain and support overall healing.

These therapies can be used individually or in combination to provide a comprehensive approach to managing and treating carpal tunnel syndrome.


When seeking information on regenerative and integrative therapies for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), patients often have several common questions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to frequently asked questions about therapies such as red light therapy, shockwave therapy, bioidentical hormone therapy, sleep studies, and inflammation therapy:

Red Light Therapy (or Low-Level Laser Therapy, LLLT) uses specific wavelengths of light to penetrate tissues and promote healing.

Red light therapy can help reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and enhance tissue repair in the carpal tunnel area. It improves cellular function and promotes healing of the median nerve.

  • Study: A study published in Lasers in Medical Science (2020) demonstrated that red light therapy effectively reduced pain and improved function in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome by decreasing inflammation and promoting nerve healing.
    [Lasers in Medical Science Study]
  • Study: Research in Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology (2018) found that red light therapy reduced symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, including pain and numbness, through its anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects.
    [Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology Study]

Shockwave Therapy (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, ESWT) uses acoustic waves to stimulate healing in the affected area.

ESWT can reduce pain and promote healing by improving blood flow and stimulating cellular repair in the carpal tunnel. It is particularly useful for reducing symptoms when conservative treatments are insufficient.

Study: A study published in Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2018) found that ESWT significantly improved pain and function in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
[Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Study]

Study: Research in Clinical Journal of Pain (2019) reported that ESWT effectively reduced symptoms of CTS and improved functional outcomes compared to conventional treatments.
[Clinical Journal of Pain Study]

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy involves using hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the human body to address hormonal imbalances.

While bioidentical hormone therapy is not a primary treatment for CTS, it may help if hormonal imbalances contribute to inflammation and nerve compression. Hormonal balance could support overall healing and reduce symptoms.

  • Study: Direct evidence linking bioidentical hormone therapy with carpal tunnel syndrome is limited. However, research on hormonal influences on inflammation suggests that managing hormonal imbalances could potentially support treatment outcomes. [Hormones and Inflammation Study]

Sleep Studies assess sleep patterns and disorders that might affect overall health and pain perception.

Poor sleep quality can exacerbate pain and delay recovery. Addressing sleep disorders through sleep studies can improve overall pain management and recovery by ensuring better rest and reducing systemic inflammation.

  • Study: Research in Sleep Medicine Reviews (2020) highlighted that improving sleep quality can have a significant impact on managing chronic pain conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome.
    [Sleep Medicine Reviews Study]
  • Study: A study in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (2018) found that enhancing sleep quality was associated with reduced pain and better functional outcomes in patients with chronic pain conditions, including CTS.
    [Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Study]

Inflammation Therapy includes dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle modifications aimed at reducing systemic inflammation.

Inflammation therapy can help manage carpal tunnel syndrome by reducing overall inflammation, which may alleviate pressure on the median nerve and improve symptoms. Anti-inflammatory diets and supplements can complement other treatments.

  • Study: A review in Nutrition Reviews (2019) discussed how anti-inflammatory diets and supplements can support musculoskeletal health and reduce pain associated with conditions like CTS.
    [Nutrition Reviews Study]
  • Study: Research published in Journal of Orthopaedic Research (2018) highlighted the benefits of anti-inflammatory diets and supplements in managing chronic conditions with tendon inflammation, which is relevant for CTS.
    [Journal of Orthopaedic Research Study]
  • Red Light Therapy: Reduces inflammation, alleviates pain, and promotes healing in the carpal tunnel area.
  • Shockwave Therapy (ESWT): Improves pain and function by enhancing tissue repair and circulation.
  • Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: May support overall healing by addressing hormonal imbalances that affect inflammation.
  • Sleep Studies: Identifies sleep disorders that can exacerbate symptoms, improving overall pain management and recovery.
  • Inflammation Therapy: Uses dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce systemic inflammation and support healing.

These therapies can be used alone or in combination to provide a comprehensive approach to managing and treating carpal tunnel syndrome.

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